Our train ride ended at 4:00
am this morning then we boarded a bus for a 2 hour ride to our next
destination. It was a little windy and
squished. The man in front of James put
his seat back so their heads were practically touching. Finally we arrived in the city and took a
taxi to our hostel. Our current location
is quite a contrast from our last city with huge leafy green trees lining the

We took a walk along the river
where we passed a group of old ladies dancing to salsa music. Mountains popped up in the distance and we
passed a group of old ladies balancing balls on tai chi racquets as they dipped
and spun. Mopeds and cars sped passed
us, but did not honk or beep, because it is illegal here. We continued to walk and watch the groups of
adults dancing and moving around with tai chi fans and swords. I really enjoyed watching the elderly ladies
wielding the long swords.

Vendors are set up outside our hostel and jump to their feet
when we walk by, “Hello looking?” They
offer us cheap prices and if we so much as look at something they grab our arms
and do not let go.

This evening Andrew planned a surprise for us after
dinner. All he would say was that it is
in the Guinness Book of World Records.
We walked into a large open square a few blocks from our hostel were
hundreds of people were standing. At
exactly 8:30 pm water
started pouring over a tall hotel creating a waterfall. For the next 15 minutes the thousands of
gallons of water poured off the roof over the side of the building as music
played in the background.