Our group was sent here to ATL or Ask the Lord. Ideally we are to pray then wait until we
feel the Lord is leading us to do something.
We spent the morning taking some alone time then prayed for the other
teams, China, and for our time in here.
We then decided to take a city bus to see where the Lord would lead
us. Some of the city buses are free, so we
took the free bus and rod until we saw a store with a Biblical reference in its
title. We got off to check out the
store, and I hoped we would find English speakers. No one in the store spoke English and we
never found how the store got its name.
We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the city praying. It is not easy to ATL because we hardly ever
see any results of the prayers. It feels
like I’m not doing anything, but I just have to trust that God is doing what he
wants through me.

This evening Candice and I were running some errands for
Emilie’s birthday. We were walking down
a street when a group of middle aged tourist looking men came all around
us. We tried to get through some doors
and they were being really slow and awkward. I thought it was strange, but was so focused
on the task at hand that I didn’t pay much attention to the men. We came out of the store and the men were
still close by. I looked back and they
seemed to slow down. A few minutes later
I noticed my camera case was open, but I still did not think much about

About 15 minutes later a big tour group rushed up to Candice
and I and said, “Did you loose anything?”
I checked my pockets, but my passport and money was still there. The group then explained that the men were
trying to rob us and that’s why they did not want us to pass. One of the men said he shouted for the group
to stop. Candice and I were a little
angry that the group would try to take our things, but I was so thankful to
still have my camera, money, and passport.
I kept checking to make sure I had everything. I don’t know how they did not get my camera,
because my case was completely open and the camera strap was hanging out after
they had opened the case. I think the
Lord was watching over us.