We have spent the last 2 days back at our original site. The pastor of the church told us that the biggest way for us to help is by striping reeds. The church ladies get together to strip the reeds then they sell them to local resorts. They are going to use the money to build a church to replace the one that was destroyed in the cyclone. So, I have made “reeding” my ministry in Vilankulos. I have stripped more reeds than I can count. I actually love the mindless work, because I know that it is meeting a practical need. It has been a great time to share stories with other World Racer’s. But, it is also a great activity to think about life on the World Race and all that I have experienced over the last 4 ½ months.

The orphans often are not far away from our group. They seem to love to plop down and watch our mundane activities, but are so quick to help. We hardly ever carry anything without one of them jumping to their feet to help out with a huge smile. On of the daily chores is carrying water from the pump to our site. The jugs are so heavy I can barely life them. The women and kids effortlessly carry the water on their heads while only occasionally using their hands for balancing the jug.