Yesterday after church Joy, Josh, Brienna, and I climbed on
a van headed for Panajachel. We are to
have two days off a week and the four of us decided to make the 2 ½ hour trip
to see Lake Atitlan. Lake Atitlan is
listed in the book,

1ooo Places to See
Before You Die,
so we figured it was worth the short trip. The road was curvy and our driver took the
turns fast, passing whenever he could.
Riding in a car in Central America is like tubing on a lake. It seems like the driver makes sharp turns as
if he is trying to shake me off. But, I
was able to hold on and enjoyed the scenery along the way. There were fields of corps planted straight
up the steep mountains. Volcanoes dotted
the land rising up around valleys of dry vegetation.

We arrived in Panajachel and God lead us to a little hotel down
by the water. Now, I say God led us to
the hotel because we ended up paying 100 Quetzales ($13 for all 4 of us) when
we should have been charged 250 Quetzales. The owner said she did not know why her sister
had quoted us the minimal fee and agreed that God must have led us to the
place. Shortly after we settled into the
hotel our mini vacation began. The only
rule…no talking about the World Race or team issues. It is hard to really relax and escape the
world race, but with our new rule we were released from the stress for 24
hours. I have been told I need more
pictures and I don’t think my words could express the beauty of this creation
so here are some of the highlights…