Yesterday morning we joined Team Salt to paint three rooms inside one of the churches in town. Now, I don’t have any actual experience in painting, but pretty much I’m an expert because of all of the Trading Spaces episodes I have watched on TV. It was so fun to paint and work alongside Team Salt. I told one of the girls that I often feel like I am receiving more from the people we are “ministering to” than I am giving. I was so thankful to have the chance to have fun and see a tangible and functional result from our work.

This morning we attended a service in the church where we are staying. Once again the message was translated into English, so it was great to be able to understand the pastor’s talk. The rest of the day we have off, so I am catching up on journals, doing Spanish homework, and using the Internet. There are a couple of girls living and working as teachers in Antigua from the US. They invited us to their apartment for dinner. We are so excited to get to eat a real dinner and to make some new friends. Because we do not have access to a refrigerator or kitchen we have been eating a lot of tuna sandwiches.
Sorry that I haven’t put many pictures up lately.  I don’t feel right in taking a picture of someone until I have built a relationship with them.  I also don’t like to take my camera when I go somewhere for the first time, like the school.  We try to have only one or two people with a camera so we don´t have six people pointing cameras pointed at the people we are working with. These are some of Josh’s pictures.