Rain tends to slow down everything around here. We woke up to the sound of rain tapping on the tin roof and as I sit here tonight the rain is coming down in buckets. I am so thankful for that tin roof that keeps us dry in torrential downpours. The rain is so loud that in order to be heard we have to yell to one another.

The boys on our team were drafted by the Pastor today to sift rocks to make cement and lay bricks in his new house. While the boys slaved away the girls planned the evening service and I did the finances for my team. Kids came in and out of the house all day, but it was hard to get a group activity going because of the rain. There was a break in the clouds so Joy and I were able to walk with the Pastor’s daughter. The Pastor lives and works here while his family lives in Palenque which is a bumpy curvy two hour drive. This afternoon we played a little bit with some kids that braved the rain then headed to the evening service. There were only four kids at the start of the service so we decided to just play with them instead of doing our scheduled activity. Those four kids loved having the attention of so many Gringos. The adult service was also sparse in attendance due to the rain, but we continued with it anyway because it is Sunday.

I have not done laundry in 13 days now. We have to hand wash our clothing in the river then allow it to dry on a line. But, because of the rain, I haven’t been able to do a wash yet. My teammates have laundry that they did three days ago and it is getting soaked for the forth or fifth time. I only have six shirts, two skirts, and two pairs of pants. If you do the math and add in the tropical heat you can guess what my clothing situation is like.