I am minutes away from leaving
everything familiar, secure, and cherished.
I will leave behind my family that loves me unconditionally. I will leave trusted friends that I have come
to share my life with. I leave the
comforts of a soft bed, hot shower, and room to myself. I leave behind my well-known, comfortable,
routine life.

I am throwing myself into a world
of unknowns. I have no idea what my bed
will look like tomorrow, I have no idea what I will be doing in a week. I have no idea what daily life will look like
over the next year. This is terrifying
and exhilarating at the same time.

Thankfully, I do know that I have a
great group of people at home constantly praying for me and supporting me. I also know that there is a great group of
people that is going to be joining me on The World Race. And, ultimately I know that God knows the
unknowns. My heavenly Father will take
care of me, which gives me peace.

My parents and younger brother and
I will spend the night in Pittsburgh
and then I fly out early tomorrow morning.
Adventures in Missions staff will meet the other world racers and me at
the airport to take us across the border into Mexico. We will be in Matamoros
for about a week for training. Then we begin the race down to Palenque,
Mexico, which is near the
border of Guatemala. I would tell you more about what we are then
going to do in Palenque, but I don’t
know what we will be doing.

Thank you for your thoughts prayers
and comments.

Ready to go…I think!

My family: Carter, Me, Ryan, Laura, Mom, and Dad.