1-26-07 A Second Proposal

Fewer kids walked to school this morning because many of the teachers are away for a conference. We walked the kids to school and made plans to meet up after school to go to the river. After our planning meeting Ginger and I went over to the rock mountain and climbed to the top. When you live with 11 people in one house, it is hard to get alone time. So, it was a nice break to sit on top of the mountain looking out over the beautiful landscape. I worked on translating the evening service while taking in the view.

After school I met with Gladis and Brisa and went to their house. There mom had just returned home from a grocery shopping trip. To get anything other than the essentials she has to drive about 35 minutes. She started preparing a meal then explained to us that they eat breakfast at 8:00, then lunch at 2:00 and dinner at 8:00. So, she offered us lunch but we turned her down because we already ate. The grandmother poked her head in at one point and started talking excitedly. I couldn’t catch what she was saying so I asked her to slow down. Then I caught it…she was telling Brienna and I that one of us should stay in the town to marry her son. The woman had just met us and already she wanted us to marry her son. That makes two proposals.

This evening during the children’s service the electricity went out. The power comes and goes and occasionally it is on but all the lights are dim. So the Pastor canceled the adult service because we would have been sitting in the dark. We came back to make dinner, spaghetti. We have been eating spaghetti one night and rice and beans the next night. So far it still tastes really good.