Being home for me has been pretty difficult.  I have become so restless because I was so used to a schedule at camp.  I am not working right now, but I am hoping to just get a part time job for the next couple of months.  I have really been praying about if getting a job would be the best idea, so please keeep me in your prayers!  I suffer from migraine headaches and I have been getting one just about everyday.  I am a little nervous about my health on the trip, but I know there will be some hardships and I am ready for what the Lord has in store for me. 
I can’t tell you how much everyones messages, pictures and videos have put a smile on my face! I miss you guys!  I  can’t wait for a couple of months when we are all reunited and I get to spend time with the most incredible people in the world.  I love you guys and I just wanted to tell you!