On Tuesday, we had a session on the culture in the Dominican Republic. Dominicans value family relationships and community living. They live with the mindset of poverty. We also met with our contacts for the ministries. Some of the ones originally set up fell through so the 7 teams here had to rearrange who was going where.

My team is going to be serving in the neighborhood Goachupita. There are two rivers that run around the neighborhood and the only way to get to it is over the bridge. It is a piece of land that has been condemned and no one is supposed to live there because it is not safe. Although it is not safe, people still live there – they have no where else to go. In Goachupita there is a lot of violence, abuse, idolatry, and sickness. Since the land isn’t supposed to be lived on, people come and dump their trash there. There is a lot of trash in the rivers and the kids play in it. Lots of broken glass, needles, and barbed wire cut them and then the dirty water gets in them. They get worms, parasites, diarrhea, etc. Lots of dogs, goats, and pigs wandering around everywhere.

My team will be pairing up with team Genesis which includes: James Woodley, Alisha Tarjeft, Kara Graham, Micah Higgins, Emily Milroy, and Jon Harris. We will be serving with AIM staff – Miguel. He told us that our teams will be the ones working the hardest. There is a lot of work to be done. We will be doing physical labor as well as building relationships with the people there. Miguel wants us to build a canal and clear land to try and make this neighborhood as livable as possible and to help with sanitation. We will be doing VBS and tutoring the kids and then doing home visits to the families. There are lots of kids so we were asked to pick 2 that we wanted to spend quality time with and pour life into them. We will be going to Gutcupita in the mornings and break for lunch/siesta then return late afternoon/ evening. It is about ½ hour walk each way – so we will definitely be getting our exercise!

Tuesday late afternoon we set out and had a tour of the neighborhood and prayed for them. The kids flocked to us and followed us around. One little girl, Karla, walked with me the whole time and wouldn’t let go of me. She didn’t want to share with any of the other kids and would pull them away from me. All of the kids seem like they need love and attention. Karla has a sore on her foot about the size of a ½ dollar that is open and infected with bugs flying in and around it. A pan from the stove fell on her foot and burned her and they have not sought medical attention. Since Tuesday we have been able to talk with her parents and encourage them to seek help for her. We will continue checking in on her.

Wednesday we went in the morning and cleared off a piece of land so we could have a place for VBS. The land was covered in trash and weeds. We picked up trash and specifically made sure had all glass and other things kids could hurt themselves on. Then pulled weeds and moved rocks. Some kids came and we had them help us. Later went back to finish clearing that piece of land. Lots of kids were there so some people played with the kids while the rest finished working. The kids are very violent with each other, even the young ones. I had to stop a kid that is probably 2years old from whacking another kid with the shovel. Yesterday and today we had VBS and started some home visits yesterday. Later today my team will go back to start working on the canal. Hard to believe it has only been 2 1/2 days of ministry!


We are working a lot but I’m excited to know that we can make a lasting change in this neighborhood. Feel free to check out my teams blogs, as well as, team Genesis for more stories as I can’t tell them all. Pictures will be coming later. As of right now, we are not able to take pictures until we build relationships with the people.