We arrived in Dublin, Ireland about a week and a 1/2 ago and met up with the whole squad. It was great to see everybody and hear their stories of their ministries. We set-up camp and had to adjust to the cooler weather here as it is a big difference from what we were used to in Haiti and the DR.
The past week was a time for my squad and 4 other squads to come together to worship and spend time learning more about God. There were different topics the speakers spoke on but the main thing God was speaking to me about was FEAR.
When I think of fear, I typically think of things people are scared of – like bugs, snakes, heights or dangerous situations people may find themselves in. However, there are other types of fears such as fear of lonliness, rejection, failure, judgement, etc. When I was younger I had a lot of insecurities and I have grown through a lot of them but I realized this week that I at times still have to deal with them. These insecurities steam from internal fears. I have learned that I need to identify my fears and give them to God. I can’t continue to live in fear. I need to live out of his LOVE. This past week I experienced a lot of freedom and am learning to live in God’s love. It is a great place to be! It will be something I will continually have to work on, but it has definitely drawn me closer to God.
This month, my team will be staying in Dublin and will be working with Dublin Christian Mission’s Lighthouse homeless ministry. We are actually staying at the Lighthouse and will be helping with food preparation, organizing and sorting clothes, serving food, preaching, and interacting with the homeless that come in, among other things. My team is excited for the ministry this month and yesterday was a fun first day!