Hey all,
First of all, I want to thank everyone that has been praying for me and supporting me! I can’t even begin to tell you how big of a smile I get when I sign into that account and see the number going up and up!
Just for an update,
~I need to have 14,300 dollars in my acount as I am getting ready to leave for the world race. I have been putting what I am making at work into savings as to set aside enough to cover my student loan bills while I am gone, but as my goal/need to cover that is almost complete, I am excited to say that I soon will be able to start pouring my income into my world race account.
~As of now my account is showing $2760, so we are moving on up yall.
I encourage/beg you to continue to support me whether it be monthly or just every now and again throwing 5 or 10 bucks in there.
So I just want to say as I still have 7 months before the World Race takes off, that I am growing more and more anxious about the trip. Most of you know that there has been some mystery aspect about where we are actually going to be going. The most updated clues put us in the Dominican Republic, Turkey, Cambodia, and Romania.

At least that is as much as I understand from reading the teams blog.
So, another request… 
   For some reason the ship I am on will let me comment on my blog and post on my blog, but I cannot post comments onto my teams blog and keep in touch with them as I was doing daily. Also, Facebook is blocked out here and how I keep in touch with most everyone. So needless to say, I am kinda going crazy with out having my friends and family to talk to on occasion. So if yall would keep in touch on this thing I would love you for it, and could possibly stop bashing my head with my stainless steel coffee cup out of boredum!!!
Anywho, with knowledge of that, I will probably adding new blogs and stuff daily or every couple of days while I am off shore. So stay tuned, and let me know whats happening in your world!