Today was our last full day of ministry in Cambodia. And I can’t believe it. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that we’ve spent a month here because it seems like we arrived just yesterday. At the same time, it feels like we’ve settled in so much and are a part of life here. It feels like home.
And this paradoxical conception of time is so strange. When our team talks about the time we went to the floating village, or the time we had pig intestines for dinner, or the time we met another group of Racers who took us prayer walking around the bars, it seems like each of these moments were just a few days ago. Yet at the same time, we’ve lived them and they have created solid memories that seem so rooted in our hearts already.
It’s crazy to think that I’ve been on the Race for a month- that Month 1 is done and I’ve now got 10 months left. That I’m living this dream I’ve wanted to live for so long. I still have moments where I marvel at the fact that Jesus actually brought me to Cambodia. I’ll be sitting with the kids at school or looking out at the beautiful landscape from our rooftop, or walk around the Night Market and think,
“This is real isn’t, Lord? You’ve brought me to this place because you planned for me to be here. To talk to these beautiful street kids. To love the students and teachers at school. To be kind to the lady trying to sell me another pair of Thai pants. You love me so much that you wouldn’t allow anything to stop me from coming on this journey with you. And more than that- you love these people so much that you sent me to tell them about you, and to translate that kind of love.”
God has shown me a lot this month, but one of my favorite things is that there is a universal language that everyone in the world seems to understand. It doesn’t look like a typical spoken language, but the messages conveyed are the same. And I’ve only learned a few words, but they are powerful and meaningful. One is love. Everyone either knows, or can learn this easily. And once it’s ingrained in your repertoire, it can’t get out.
So even when I have know idea what the little boy on the street really wants or even needs, I can still share my dinner with him. Even if I have no idea what the woman in church is trying to tell me, I can smile and walk with her anyway. Even when my team is struggling with hauntings from their past and in that moment I can’t think of the perfect words to say, I can sit and listen and remind her of her identity in Christ.
The Lord gave me and my team a fantastic first month. We were continually blessed by the way he provided even the smallest of things, while also teaching us how to lean harder on him. Our hosts, Sophy and Yuwath, are an incredible couple who love the Lord a ton and desire to spread his kingdom in places no one else will go. They have a school that teaches English classes from ages 5 to 25, but they provide so much more than an education. They invest in these kids. In fact, the young man and women who teach the primary levels at the school used to attend those same classes, and continue to come back to learn in the evenings. However, what’s even more powerful is that each of these teachers are now followers of Christ because of the discipleship of Sophy and Yuwath. In a town where maybe less 10% of people consider themselves Christian, this ministry is making unbelievable strides to bring the kingdom.
During this month, we developed strong relationships with the teachers, young women who are around the same age as us and who love The Lord with so much devotion. We got to spend so much time with them, teaching class with them, teaching English to them (though they are already exceptional at it), going on adventures with them, and overall just sharing life with them. They impacted us in ways we will never forget, and I know The Lord sent us to their town purposefully.
It’s funny how when you hear you will be teaching English for the month, you assume your biggest ministry and energy will be focused on grammar and loving the little ones. However, Jesus’ plan is never narrow minded; he knew all along that doing what we do best- sharing our hearts with other girls- was what the kingdom needed this September.