Howdy Everyone!
Here are just a few updates, as some very exciting things are happening these days!
First, through your prayer and support, I was able to surpass my next deadline! This means I can launch on September 5th with my squad! And I am now about $7,000 away from being fully funded! Thank YOU for having faith that the Lord can and will do great things through this mission. Your support, in prayer and through your generous donations means so much to me. I can’t describe how exciting it is to see the Lord provide over and over again through his people.
Secondly, this week we received our placement and contact for our first month! For September, we will be serving in the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia, working with a Christian-run school. During the week days, we’ve been told that our ministry will look like teaching English to the younger students for most of the day, and then to the older students in the afternoon/evenings. We will also be participating in local outreach and church services on the weekends. I hope to give you some more details once we actually get there.
It is really exciting to have something this tangible to look forward to and share with you all! It reminds me how fast this adventure is approaching, and I am so thankful for all of your prayers. Even though we do have our assignments for the month, I am trying to hold on to everything with an open hand, offered up to Jesus. I know that there are always possibilities of change and sometimes what you expect isn’t exactly what plays out. But The Lord is sovereign and His plans are always good, of that I can be sure.
Please continue to pray for our squad’s final preparations, including some of us who still need to make Friday’s deadline in order to leave with us! Although I have met this deadline, and am still support-raising, if you would consider giving to any one of my squad mates, we would all be incredibly grateful! This squad has become like family to me and none of us wants to launch without any of our squad. Let me know if this is something you are interested in!
Keeping with fundraising, you are still able to donate to my fund 1) online through the orange Support Me tab on the left of this page, 2) by sending a check to Adventures in Missions with my name in the memo line, or 3) by sending a check directly to me. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Thanks y’all!