April Duncan left in October 2009 to bring hope to the nations.  Below, she highlights some of the fruit her team has seen in the past few months. 


Prophets and Apostles Church want to thank you for painting the church. 


While painting the church with watered-down paint was not easy, we were fulfilling a prophecy!  We met this church in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala during a time of grieving.  A loved one had just died and the church was desperately trying to prepare for the church’s anniversary celebration.  They had been praying for a long time for someone to paint the church, and it had also been prophesied that a huge blessing was coming.  When we showed up the day before the anniversary celebration to paint their church, they were absolutely overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.  

Estela and prostitues want to thank you for love and hope.

Puerto Barrios is a port town.  Therefore you’ll find plenty of prostitution…right down to Donald Duck Bar.  (really.)  We spent a day creating cards to share with the prostitutes.  We wanted to share God’s love and truth and also wanted them to know who they are in Christ.  Each card said, “You are God’s beloved daughter” and had Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.  We saw real hope given that night.  

Families Living in the Dump are grateful for food, water, and prayer.

Imagine the stench of death, piles of rotting food and garbage, vultures, flies, smog, and the feeling of absolute hopelessness.  You’re at the dump in Puerto Barrios.  Now imagine families and children digging through piles of trash to find anything recyclable or of value.  When they’re done for the day, they return to their homes that line the edge of the dump.  There’s no escape or change of scenery day in and day out.  Thanks to you, we were able to visit them several times to pass out food and drinks.  We were also able to pray over them.  Where we saw hopelessness only moments before we saw joy.  

Raul, Josefina, Gladys, Allen, and more feel so loved by their party at Pollo Campero.

It’s no secret that the kids of the orphanage touched our hearts.  However, the reality is that many of them only leave the orphanage to go to school.  Often there is a shortage of food due to lack of funds or boys stealing it.  Thanks to you we were able to throw the kids a party at Pollo Campero (the Guatemalan KFC equivalent.)  Plenty of chicken, fries, cake and fun were had by all!

Dariluz, Ismael, Samuel, and more thank YOU for a day at the beach!

In a few days we are taking the kids of the Quinta to a beautiful beach to spend time pouring into them and loving on them, thanks to your support.  They are kids with childhoods we can’t even begin to imagine.  Thankfully they are in an INCREDIBLE Christian environment.  The best thing we can do for them is to continue to share Christ’s love and truth with them, and that’s exactly what we plan to do.