Hey guys! I apologize for not making it to the conference call today—my fault. For those who were on the call, I hope that you were able to have a good conversation with your teammates anyway. I will be on the next call, and I hope everyone can make it. Just in case you can’t, here is a brief outline of some of the things we would have covered. Please feel free to call me at the office anytime to discuss your support-raising strategies. You can reach me at 1-800-881-2461 x 265 or [email protected].


INTRODUCTION – We will discuss the following, and I’ll provide real life examples.

Support-Raising Is: Biblical, Not begging, Building and strengthening relationships, Faith-stretching

Missionaries Explanations of Support-Raising:

“Without my supporters, my ministry would cease to exist.”
2) “My supporters are equal partners in this ministry.”
3) “
I desirer to minister to my supporters the same way they minister to me.”

BIBLE STUDY I – We will discuss one or more of the following passages: 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 (esp. 7-14), Luke 11:5-13, John 14:13-14, Malachi 3:8-10

SUPPORT-RAISING PROCESS – We will outline the process and then discuss, in detail, the parts that people have the most questions about, as well as provide helpful hints and ideas for various stages of support-raising.

Formally consult your pastor and/or missions chairperson/committee

Develop a prayer base (5-10 people)

Construct a list of potential supporters

Write your support letter

Make personal contact with your supporters

Bring people to a decision

Blog once a week and send a newsletter once a month

Remember to write thank-you notes

Send out a celebration letter

Pray throughout the entire process

HOW TO ACCESS YOUR SUPPORT ONLINE – Make sure you can do this!!
Go to http://www.adventures.org.  Click LOG IN.  Click NEXT STEP ACCOUNTS.  Enter your email address and password.  Your password is your FirstnameLastname (capitals matter!).  Click LOG IN.  Click CLICK HERE TO VIEW YOUR SUPPORT STATUS.  Ignore all of the other links in this account about applications and paperwork.  They are used by another department.

SUPPORT-RAISING GOALS & DEADLINES – These differ by team and are posted on your blog.