Hello Racers!

We pray you are all doing well and are getting excited about training! Here are a few details we need to let you in on.

First –

As a large part of training is team bonding time, we are scheduling two meals for you to eat as a team. The easiest way will be to eat out together. These meals will be covered out of pocket. It will be left up to your team whether you spend $1 or $50, but we would recommend budgeting about $5/per meal. For those of you who hate math as much as I do… that means bring at least $10 extra dollars. 🙂

Second –

Many of you are driving to Gainesville. To keep costs down (the motto of every World Racer) we would like to compile a list of those willing to use their vehicles for transportation during training events. Please comment on this blog and tell us that you are willing to be a driver, the dates you will be at training, and how many (including driver) your car can seat.

Stay tuned for more updates, right here! 🙂

The World Race Team