I bet I have your attention now!  Don’t get to excited because I’m not getting into this age old debate, I’m getting into God. 
It’s funny, I think predestination critics are on the wrong side of the
right bus right along with free will junkies.  My brother once told me, its neither nor, its both!  The ones who believe we have no say are
so ingrained with the word and they have a respect for the word that many “free
willers” don’t…I like that.


But at the end of the day it’s really  about one thing,
tremble when we read His word?  Do
we listen to a bible verse and say I’ve hear that one a million times?  It’s not about semantics, it’s not
whether the bible says the exact words “free will” or not!


Can we sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” all day long in awe and
reverence for the Lord?  I can’t
and don’t fool yourself by automatically spitting out a big fat “YES.”  In Proverbs 16:5-6 its says, “The Lord
detests all the proud of heart.  Be
sure of this: They will not go unpunished…through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.”  We can fool the whole world by what we sing, recite or wear,
but we can’t fool God.  God is not
asking me to be full of pride and a proud heart shouting to the world it’s all
about free will or predestination. 
He is asking me to love and be faithful.  Does God say, “Debate with your brothers and sisters about
why I hardened Pharaoh’s heart?” 
NO, but He does say, “The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom and
humility comes before honor.” (Prov. 15:33) 


I will never have honor without humility.  I will never have humility if I debate
about something that I can’t fully explain.  “God’s understanding is infinite.”  It’s not either or, its both and!  Let’s stop trying to gain control over something that we
weren’t meant to have control of. 
“The Lord upholds everything in His hands” so let’s learn to fear the
Lord, respect and honor His every word. 
Let’s keep it simple and understand that it’s two sides of the same
coin, that “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his
steps.”  Do we really know the God that we serve or do we just think we do?