

Here is a blog that I wrote and wanted to send before we left for the rainforest of Chapare, Bolivia.  No such luck.  Sorry for the delay.  Please pray for my continued health.  I spent the majority of two weeks nursing a killer cold/flu, mostly sinus issues, I’ll spare you the details…  Not pretty.  All better now, THANK GOD!


Hope this lets you in on what’s been going on.


Leaving Peru for Bolivia.  Finally after 5 weeks!  I didn’t know what to expect from Bolivia.  What do you think of when you think of La Paz, Bolivia?  Do you think of women with dark skin walking around in layers of pleated, colorful, velvet skirts with little brown, felt, derby hats barely resting on their heads.  Do you think of cobblestone streets and dead lama fetuses being sold for offerings on the side of those streets?  Do you think of sipping Coca tea (yes, that of cocaine) in a tiny cafe in efforts to lessen the effect of the altitude sickness reeking havoc on your body?  If not, well that’s what you can imagine now! J  We had our debrief session in La Paz.  It is really extraordinary to be surrounded in the mountains reaching to the clouds.  Some of them have snow caps.  If I had to describe it in a word it would be “Crisp”.  This would describe both the views and the weather (40-70 degrees) here.  Far from the 100+ weather we were experiencing in Peru.  It is fun to shop around here too.  Especially considering the exchange rate is approximately 7 Bolivianos to 1 Dollar.  30 of us had full chicken dinners and drinks for a total of about $50!


After a few days of debrief meetings in La Paz we took a bus to Cochabamba, Bolivia.  Our hosts, Mike and Bonnie Timmer, from Michigan, decided to live here to care for abandoned children.  They have are founders of 3 orphanage ministries that are fantastic! All of the kids have their own living area and are obviously treated with love and respect.  They are well mannered and usually smiling ear to ear.


We leave for Chapare, the rainforest, tomorrow.  I’ll let you know how it goes.


I really miss everyone from home and work.  A special “Hi” to all of the Wilson Technologies team and Managers and salespeople I love and miss so much.  I think of you virtually everyday.  You have been such a big part of my daily life and not easy to forget you!  Be nice to Renee, she loves you too!!!  Thanks again for all of your prayers and financial support.  God bless you!!!




My new boyfriend Daniel. 


Kids at the orphanage making cookies!

A real live sloth found on some bananas!!!  So cute, (but mean!)