When I first applied for the World Race, one of my biggest concerns was building and being around a community of believers, all with different backgrounds, families, experiences but sharing one desire to be adventurous for God.  I wondered if we’d all get along and accept each other, and more importantly, how I’d fit in.. Although our trip hasn’t started yet, I have no doubt about the big hearts and cool personalities (over 50 so far) that make up our January 2009 team.   Praise God for so many ppl willing to embark on this together to do His work! 
As the team keeps growing, I’m excited to highlight one teammate in particular: Jennifer Denman from Dallas, TX
  playing in the creek
Jennifer captured my attention with her eloquent, relatable and honest blogs.  She’s humble, thoughtful and passionate about growing in her faith.  Her entries have continued to encourage me as she goes deep and shares from the heart.  Check out what brought her to the World Race and be inspired.   I’m excited to meet her in a mere 2.5 wks when we all convene in Gainesville, GA for Training Camp from 10/17-10/26.  I’ll be learning so much from her and the rest of my teammates next year.  
There are many more personalities that make up the team.  Feel free to meet everyone on our team page.
We could all use your support and prayers as we prepare to leave familiar faces, places and things behind for a bit.  Please keep each individual and our team as a whole in your prayers as we continue w/ much preparation – physical, mental, financial, emotional, spiritual – before we leave.  Lotsa logistics to take care of, but it’s getting closer, and meeting the gang in person will make it all the more real.  Thanks!