Thank you thank you thank you!

If you missed the Facebook status update, when I got back from my backpacking trip, I found that I was FULLY FUNDED!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me, in many ways, up to this point on the Race and to those who will continue:
 Financially-Over $15,500 raised in months, I’m just completely blown away!  It’s amazing to see how God provides when you are doing what He asked (going on the Race), and leaving the financing in His hands.  Have faith-He will provide. Thank you to those who have allowed God to use you in such a way.
 Spiritually- Mom tells me how there’s always prayers at church for me, and I know friends are praying back home too.  There have been some rough times here on the Race, and I know that your prayers have brought protection and comfort in times need, and  have helped in times when I forgot to ask Him thinking that I could do it on my own. Thank you for going to Him on my behalf.
Relationally- I have woken up in the morning to 112 notifications on Facebook…thanks to those who are following my blogs, leaving comments, and liking photos. Thank you for the emails, and Skype conversations.  (Need to get in contact with me? click the Contact Mindy button in the upper left)  I have felt so much support and love.

I can’t emphasize how much I have appreciated everything you have all done for me, and His Kingdom.  He is doing good things here, and it is your love and His that helps keep me going.

Sad you missed out on the opportunity to give?  There’s still opportunity!  Teammates Steve Buffington ($3900), Cassy Horton( $4300), and Alyssa and Jeff Peck ($8400) are still in need of support. 
Also, if you would like to contribute to specific ministries that I am working with at any point, you can contact me personally: your money could help take a prostitute off the street for a night to connect her with job alternatives, take at-risk children off the streets, build a church, or support additional Race expenses (plane ticket home, toys for orphans).