“I started to see every challenging situation not as an insurmountable obstacle I had to tough out, but as a chance to demonstrate faith.” Seth Barnes, founder of AIM/The World Race, in Kingdom Journeys

God told me near the end of last month, rather clearly, “I need you to walk through the desert before I can bring you to my oasis.” I didn’t realize he meant this not only spiritually, but physically.

I hate to admit how difficult the last few weeks have been. If you read my last blog, I (hope that I) seem thankful for not having to live this life for the rest of it. Truth be told: I’m tired of sweating, from the hours of sleep I have lost from lying awake scratching my bug bites, of being dirty all the time, of combi rides where they squeeze 20 people into a van with not enough leg room…
Mostly though, I was tired of working. I was tired of lugging mud bricks across a 100 yard stretch of desert, scooping sand, wheel barrows, and leveling ground. Is this what I signed up for?   I would be ashamed to tell you how much I had to hide my attitude from my teammates so that I wouldn’t be called out on it. Yet…it seems we were all in the same place.
Last night, the director of the program, IncaLink, shared the vision of the orphanage where we are working (including this video ). The plan is to rescue about 6 dozen Peruvian children from the dump where they search for edible trash, and give them a place to live, eat, learn, and be loved.  After seeing WHY we were doing what we were doing, it made today’s work have a sense of purpose.  My spirits were lifted and with each new shovel full of sand I saw a smile on a child’s face. That shovel IS caring for a child. It IS loving a child.

The reason I share with you my cranky mood is that I’ve seen this attitude culminate countless times before. In me. In friends. In family. Often times because we don’t see what the outcome is. I need a reminder, as I suspect you may need one sometime.  You may not always get what you want in the moment. You may not always be happy where you are. But God NEEDS you there so that he can do something better. We don’t know his plans ("For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8). But these seemingly bad, monotonous, non-enjoyable moments can not compare to the amazing things He has planned in the long run.
He needs you to go through some of these times, these desserts so that He can get you somewhere better. Trust that He has control, and that He has only good things for you…”plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer.29:11

After long days of work, this is how He blesses me: