I hope this blog finds you and yours having had a wonderful, blessed, and merry Christmas, and also wish you all a very happy new year!  

The Race is coming even closer, and a thought that has loomed for years now is becoming a reality in less than a week. Thank you all for helping to make it happen. I owe you all an update:
I will be leaving in 7 days. Yes, 7 days. January 7th my boyfriend will drive me to Dulles for "launch" where I will meet up with my squad and have further training until I leave for Ecuador. No, I do not know when I will leave for Ecuador. Part of the program is just taking things day to day, so they don't tell us. I'm super excited that my mom and dad will be joining me on Jan. 8 and 9 to meet my sqaud and the AIM staff will teach them more about the Race.
I've also received more information about my first ministry!  It's been quite a relief to know so that I have a little better of an idea what I am leaving for. I will be living in south Quito, Ecuador for a month, working with Dios es Amor ("God is Love" in Spanish) and doing evangelism and construction in the area. From the looks of past Racers, it seems that I may have showers and semi-frequent use of the internet (I'm trying hard not to expect it though, I will consider myself blessed with whatever it is I get).  I will be serving as the team's treasurer and translator.
As for Quito- it's the capital of Ecuador, is surrounded by the Andes mountains. They use United States currency, so it will be nice to to have to switch that over. I will be only a short distance from the equator, and will hopefully get to straddle the north and south hemisphere (I've aready been to the Prime Meridian). I will be surrounded by hand made churches hundreds of years old, volcanoes, and cocoa trees.
As for my preparation and how I'm doing? 
Well, I just said goodbye to my family, it was hard; tears shared by most. But I'm ridiculously blessed. I shared a prayer with grandma, and my aunt and uncle before I left. While all Christians, being bound to them spiritually in prayer is a rarity, and I can't tell you how much that means. I once read that prayer is about as vulnerable as sitting naked in a hot tub with someone. It's raw, free, open. And blessed too that both grandma and my aunt got iPads for Christmas, and are both on the verge of understanding how Skype works. The family "armed" me with SEVERAL letters and notes to take on my trip for encouragement.
My impending departure from the country for a looong time has still really yet to hit. I haven't determined whether this is a gift or curse. In some ways I feel like I should be living it up my last days here, and I just haven't, because I haven't felt the need. In other ways, I'm thankful to be without worry. Perhaps it will hit in a day or two, or when I make my first attempt at packing (that could DEFINITELY use some prayer!), or the day before I go when my church commissions me. Either way, I know God has an adventure planned…it will be challenging but good, I know that I have received His blessing in the adventure.
Don't want to make this too long, so there may be another update before I leave. For now I'll just try to enjoy my last few showers and my mattress!