It's finally becoming real.
I AM leaving. I AM really doing this.  This isn't just a blog anymore. It's a real, tangible, it's coming…
It hasn't felt real yet, I'm so busy here and now that I haven't had time to think about next year. But now, I'm getting worried about leaving my friends and family, and planning all of my immunizations, and another big step: training camp. This is where it all starts.

  On Friday night I will be driving (yes, driving) down to Atlanta for training camp where I will FINALLY meet my squad (the 60-70 people will be travelling from country to country with me) and my team (the 5-6 other people that will be working with me on a particular ministry, who I live with, eat with, pray with, and pretty much get no time away from). We will be learning about how to adapt to other cultures, how to share the Gospel, take VERY limited numbers of cold showers, and may even have to dig a hole to make a potty (which will likely be a more sanitary option than what I will be using next year). 

God must love me, because he made our squad color blue, and there’s nothing I like more than mixing blue face paint and backpacking, as experienced in my 2008 Ireland/Scotland backpacking trip…think William Wallace, think storming the bridge in Sterling, think inaccurate movie representation because the blue face paint was not in the same time period as William Wallace.

 But this time, in place of haggis (which I secretly enjoy) I will be eating fish head soup and rice with my hands.  I’m thinking this will be more like Saimin (if you thought you’ve seen the worst of McDonald’s, go to Hawaii and order this- fish broth soup with 4 strands of ramen noodles, some floating manufactured hot pink fish cake, iridescent pork, and seaweed) mixed with what I would find in the sink when I came home from classes in Spain: fish heads. My Spanish host mommy (Si, Pilar, estoy hablando de ti!) was always kind enough to spare me from gnawing on them.


I’m looking forward to the week. To be honest, God and I haven’t been in communication nearly enough. I can’t wait to have some intentional time with Him, and for some amazing worship. It will also be encouraging to finally meet up with my squad, and be with people who are also going through some similar transitions, spiritual attacks, and craziness.

I'll be sure to update you when I get back from camp, introduce you to the team, and explain my trip a bit more.

(and yes, this is MY picture, I did not get it off the internet)