Last year I sat at the riverside as my heart was breaking.

It was night.
The fireflies danced around me.

It was magical.

And I wondered…What if the very moment thousands of years ago, when God created the fireflies, He was thinking of me…in this very moment. What if He created them for the sole purpose of showing just how much He loves me in only this moment?

What if I had a lifetime…an eternity…to experience that kind of love?

I hope you find it.

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In January I will be leaving for the World Racea Christian mission program run by Adventures in Missions. I will travel to 11 countries in 11 months, sharing God's love, and growing closer to Him. I will be living in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Romania, Ukraine, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia. For those of you geographically challenged, that's  4 continents!  I'm going to round it up to 5 though, in hopes that in some way my trip will be serving and inspiring you too.

I'll be working with orphans, prostitutes and human trafficking, the poor, gypsies, the sick, the elderly, and anyone one else that could use some loving…which tends to be everyone.  I want to love the way He loves me. I want the adventure. I want Him.

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