My name is Mindy, I’ll be 26 when I start the race. I love God and adventure- caving, climbing, hiking, kayaking, travelling, the beach, Jeep Wranglers, and deep conversations.  

I experience that Jesus guy in my adventure…in my LIFE.

I was raised a Christian, but for years, I’m not really sure I could really tell you what that meant.  It wasn’t until high school when a Christian friend committed suicide that I really started exploring. It was in that time that I finally realized I had a relationship with Him- He wasn’t just a distant un-participatory figment of imagination that I had to spend Sunday mornings with. I was MAD at Him:  I needed to know why, I needed to know Him more…but I also needed Him. Since that time I have been blessed to be surrounded by friends and a church that have helped to foster a true relationship with God, that can best be described by Shawn McDonald’s song, “Captivated.”  If you’re too lazy to click the link, let me enlighten you with some lyrics:

     When I wake unto the morning It gives me Your sight
     When I look across the ocean It echoes Your might
     The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea
     The air in my lungs and the way You made me
     That’s what draws me to You I am, I’m captivated by You

Basically, God seduces (you can cringe at that word, but I’m in love) me in the great outdoors, drawing me in with His majestic nature.  With rainbow, waterfall, or butterfly, He makes my face crinkles into a giggle the way a curly haired pigtail three year old girl would when you tickle her. His beauty pierces the depths of my heart. 

As much as God is Life to me, I would be nowhere without the ones I love: My family has always been supportive and encouraging . My mom has a true nurse’s heart- she would do ANYTHING for her kids. My dad is awesome to bounce ideas off of when I need a rational mind, and teaches me the handy work (I have the habit of blowing out my car speakers with loud music). As for my brothers: Brian is the instigator and has recently become tolerable, I think it was the taming done by his beautiful new bride ;). Adam is going to be rocket scientist (so proud of him), and, with eyes rolling, is always up for my crazy plans.  I have also been blessed to have such a great group of friends after college- a Bible study group (yeah,
look how good looking they are)
who challenge, encourage, love, entertain, and support- lead me down the Godly path.  Worthy of special note: Dave, who has had the patience and persistence to help heal some scars, and remind me of my worth in His kingdom; Lindsay, the strongest, most inspirational God-loving woman I know, she helps me to appreciate the small things; AJ, who has braved this World Race before me (even though it was my idea first); and Pezly and Diana, my two red-headed college friends that truly know my heart.

I would be no where without these people in my life, and certainly not on the Race.

And to end on 2 random, unrelated lighter notes:

*My favorite thing in the world is hearing the words I love you just before hanging up the phone with a friend. 
*If I got to design my own heaven, all men would wear kilts, the landscape would mirror Hawaii, nights would be lit by fireflies, and I could eat scallops, cookie dough, and brie all day without a threat of salmonella or tummy aches.