I have been praying and struggling for some time with God about missions.  My imagination is consumed by missions.  I have wanted to know so badly for so long but I have been scared.  I have been scared of making the wrong choices.  I have been scared that I will not raise enough support.  I have been scared of disappointing my parents.  Who though, should I fear.  The people who raised me, or the One who created me.  I finally have peace about a decision.  I can already see a path God is cutting out for me.  He whispers to me, “Be still and know that I am God.”  I do not provide for myself.  He provides for me.  I simply pray and listen and live from day to day according to His will.  He tells me over and over, “Mikel, take ye therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow will take thought for the things of itself for sufficient today is the evil thereof.” 

I have grown and learned so much from reading the articles of other AIM missionaries.  This crazy life set before us is really not about us at all.  It is about what God does through us.  I read one of those silly little surveys one of my friends had filled out.   Her reply to one of the questions continues to stick with me.  The question was, “What are you first thoughts waking up in the morning?”  Her reply was “Good morning God, today is yours.”  It is so important to dedicate everyday of our lives to Him.  We are here for His glory alone.  He is our number one and as long as we are living for Him, He will take care of everything else.