What are you going to do with your life is the classic question most people my age start receiving. It usually happens around the time of your college graduation. My last semester in college was spent trying to answer this question. I would apply for various jobs and mission opportunities and the doors kept closing. Finally after mulling over it for several months I decided to apply for the World Race. That is when all the doors started opening. I was accepted very soon after I applied. I knew this is where God wanted me. I also knew that the road to this adventure would not be easy. Raising $13,000 is no easy task. But I put my trust in the Lord and started the process of support raising. I was going on the World Race and at least for this year I had an answer to that infamous question.

God gave me a heart for missions in middle school. Since then I have participated in many mission projects both in the States and overseas. I know that missions will forever be a part of my life. This God given desire for missions is what led me to the World Race and is what fuels my passion to raise the money needed to stay on this amazing adventure. Coupled with my desire for missions is a talent with working with children. Children tackling us with hugs at the God’s Child Project, holding children in desperate need of love at the hospital, children following us down the streets in Costa Rica and always flocking to the church we were staying at are all examples of the wonderful ways God has woven my desires for missions and children together.

However God has been showing me that there is more to my ministry than just children. This was shown to me most clearly in Costa Rica with the relationships I made with women, families and teenagers. God really expanded my ministry this month. My two most meaningful relationships were not with children but with a young woman my age and a seventeen year old girl.

God is teaching me so much about reliance on Him. As you all know Jake and I are in San Jose waiting to pick up my passport on Friday. The rest of the World Race team is in Nicaragua having debrief. They fly to Peru on Thursday. These past few days Jake and the AIM staff have been working very hard to arrange tickets for Jake and I to fly to Peru from San Jose. Well this morning we were told that we would have to fly out of Managua or pay a big fee to fly out of San Jose. Well by this afternoon we were told that everything has worked out for us to fly out of San Jose on Saturday. It is amazing to see God in action working everything out for His glory.

Looking at the numbers it is easy to get distracted and frustrated. I have only raised $5,210 and I need $6,900 by March 27th. I need a total of $13,000 to stay for the full 11 months. But instead of getting bogged down by the numbers I choose to put my trust and faith in the Lord. If He can work out the little things like getting me a new passport and letting us fly out of San Jose, He will provide the money for the World Race. Please continue to be in prayer with me as I raise the rest of the money needed to stay on this trip. If you would like to support me with a one time gift or monthly donation you can click on the Support Me icon on the left of this page. Thank you for your support and prayers.