The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. We usually think of this as memorizing and reciting scripture. Scripture is a very powerful and important weapon in spiritual warfare, but there is another aspect of this weapon that is often overlooked. Through our experiences and encounters with God, we are armed with a whole arsenal of testimonies. When we truly see the heart of God in a situation, His presence is very clear, and our words become His testimony to the world.

Everybody has stories. God works in our lives every day and we need to share that and give Him the glory. When we begin to have the attitude that our stories are not significant, we are actually demeaning the work of God.

Our Creator rejoices in every detail of our lives. He takes joy in every gift He gives us, large or small; acknowledged or taken for granted. He especially does the little things because He absolutely adores us and loves to take care of and bless us. We can honor that love by sharing our stories and rejoicing in all of the little stuff along with the big stuff.

Last month in Mozambique, we worked with a guy named Herb. At first, I got the impression that he was this super spiritual guy with amazing power and faith. He talked about miracles and all kinds of supernatural stuff. I imagined that he saw and did things that I could only hope to see or do. Although to some degree those things might be true, I actually had a very unrealistic/idealistic view of his life.

After working with Herb and getting to know him more, I started to realize that he rejoices in everything the Lord does. There are no small miracles in his eyes. He knows that God performs small miracles everyday that go unnoticed by most of the world. From what I could see, He did not exaggerate or make false claims, he simply gave God the credit and praised Him the way He deserves to be praised.

I do believe that Herb has a great deal of faith and authority in the Kingdom, and that he does and sees great things. But I no longer see Herb as great. Rather, Herb taught me to see how great God is, and to see Him in everything and rejoice in it all.

We all need to learn to rejoice more in what God is doing in our life. So in response to this, I am asking for your stories. This is an open forum. Reply to this post and share your story with everybody. What is God doing for or through you? How have you seen Him recently, and what is He teaching you?