We have been going from door to door sharing the gospel with everyone we see in the slums in Nakuru, Kenya. We get to share the gospel to God’s children, lost or found, and the word gospel means “good news”. We get to share the good news with the poor in spirit. The gospel of grace, the gospel of the favor we receive that we don’t deserve, the gospel of love and joy, the gospel that brings life to the dead, that gives sight to the blind, that gives strength to the weak, and hope to the hopeless. Christian or not we are all in desperate need of this gospel of GRACE, and we must keep testifying to this gospel of God’s grace. I am reminded that as the body of Christ we can use this gospel to see revival break out around us and persevere to do “even greater things” than even Jesus did.
I have watched this gospel of Grace set people FREE, I have watched this same gospel bring an alcoholic to His knees surrendering His life to the Lord, I have seen this gospel bring the woman we have been working for to her feet in the church service we were at and confess that she has been running through the motions and declare in front of everyone that she is giving her WHOLE heart to the Lord to love Him all the days of her Life, I have danced with brothers and sisters from across the world to celebrate this grace that we have found that is sweeter than LIFE, I have seen this “good news” bring a girl on my team who has been told her whole life she doesn’t have a Voice (anything worthy to say) I watched as she preached and testified with boldness that God uses you in your weaknesses, I have experienced this gospel of Grace give me power and strength to do the daily tasks that I thought impossible the tasks that I thought I didn’t have enough energy or giftings for, I have watched God’s grace be enough for me in ALL of my weakness and hard days this month. I have heard my Savior say “I am enough for you” I have heard Him say “enjoy me today” I have heard Him whisper in my ear in the chaos, in the busyness, in the seemingly hopeless situations “I AM is here, I am in this moment, and this is the only time that you can let me love you, right now, not tomorrow, not later tonight, let me love you in this moment” and my God reminds me as I read… “stop concentrating on your weaknesses in yourself or the dark forces of danger on all sides, but rather on my face, let me sustain you with the beauty of my gaze on you RIGHT NOW, and be confident of my cross and what I have done for you, what you don’t have today, I will give to you, my body and blood are MORE than enough for you—my gospel is sufficient, I have sacrificed myself so you can enjoy me today, I died so there would ALWAYS be enough”
So today I am celebrating. I am celebrating all I have seen the gospel of grace do this week in, through, and all around me! I am seeing the realness and POWER of this gospel, and I stand humbled under a cloud of undeserving Grace that continues to flood over me.
“Thus the sovereignty of God in grace gave Paul hope of success as he preached to deaf ears, and held up Christ before blind eyes, and sought to move stony hearts. His confidence was that where Christ sends the gospel, there Christ has his people, fast bound at present in the chains of sin, but due for release at the appointed moment through a mighty renewing of their hearts as the light of the gospel shines into their darkness, and the Savior draws them to himself.”
-J.I. Packer
I hope that this reminds you of the invitation of Grace that your Father in heaven has for each one of you, an invitation to be Beautiful, an invitation to LOVE freely, to be Fully Alive and to be who God created you to be, an invitation to enter into a life of forgiveness, to enter into the impossible, to enter into a life of reckless abandonment for Your Creator! Can I get an AMEN!! BONASAFEEWAY (praise the Lord in Swahili). I LOVE YOU!