This is Pramela. We were friends from the beginning when God made our paths collide when I was once again "lost" on a jog in Kathmandu, but of course God knew what He was doing. I stopped to ask for directions to a nice stranger who spoke English and came to find out that she was living right down the road, she was living there because her sister was very sick, and she said that she would love to have us over and to visit her sister.
We were already about an hour late for breakfast so we had to decline but she gave us her number.
From the beginning God put Pramela on my heart and I knew He brought me to her for a reason, and I began to pray and told others back home to pray and people with me to pray.
I called her when God brought us back safe from our bus accident. And she invited us over. This is when I realized the extent of her sister's illness. When we came the first time a witchdoctor was praying over her so we couldn't go all the way in the room, but I saw her laying there, a girl my age and she looked hopeless and pale and she was just bones on laying on her bed.
My heart broke. I saw the darkness. I saw the sickness and hopelessness. I saw how the god of this age had blinded the mind of Pramela and her sister, but how He wanted to bring light through us to this situation. We shared the LIGHT of the glory of the Gospel with our sweet new friend and she was hanging on every word. She was amazed that we could speak to our God that we had this relationship with our God. She kept asking more and more questions.
A couple days later her sister was getting worse and I got a text from her "please pray to your Lord Jesus for my sister, I am so worried". So we WENT and prayed over her sister. After a long time of prayer and tears for her sister and for God to shine His Love on them, I walked up to Pramela and hugged her with Jesus's arms and hands, and I held her as she began to cry on my shoulder. I felt the heartbeat of Jesus, the pain He felt over His lost child. I prayed.
The next week we invited her to church and she came! I watched her in the back row as the stories of God's grace were being told, I watched as her heart was being moved to tears, I watched as her Father in heaven was drawing her to himself, was beckoning her with his unfailing LOVE and MERCY. I prayed. The church prayed, Christ's Bride yelled out prayers to their King.
Pramela is still struggling to believe in One True God, but is seeing the realness of Jesus, is starting to see the Light that she was made to see. Her sister is in the hospital now and not doing well. Please pray with me for my new friend and her sister. Pray that God would shine light into her heart, and she would see the face of her Maker!
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’s sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”
-2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Some of my ChiRho ladies with Pramela at her home.
I was going back in forth wether to share this story with everyone, but I wanted to share because this is the heaviest thing on my heart. I see the need for urgency as people are dying and suffering all around us, and how they need the LIGHT that I carry. I don't always see this urgency and I am not always as BOLD as I want to be, but God is showing me more and more how Powerful His LOVE is, how Powerful His WORDS are and how He wants to use me and let me be a part of spreading His Love and Words to the nations. Pray that I will live in the Grace of our sweet God, and FIGHT the good fight to shine the LIGHT of Christ to those who need it most around me.
The Squad is headed to Kenya on Sunday where we will have a short debrief and begin our fifth month of the race. Ah it is going to fast, but a serious thank you for reading, thank you for praying, thank you for loving and encouraging…