When you stop zeroing in on something in your mind.  When you stop looking to the left and right.  When you stop listening to the noise that this world and your mind creates.  When you close your eyes and quiet your mind and just STOP…

“Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, BUT be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your MIND”

“Fix your EYES on JESUS the author and perfecter of your faith”

“Be still and know that I am GOD”

When you just STOP…the eyes of your heart (your mind) are opened and you are able to see through the very heart of GOD himself, you are able to feel what He feels, you are able to hear what He hears, you are able to say what He says…you are tuned into a station that the world knows nothing of, a station that is playing songs of Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Self Abandonment, Goodness, Freedom, Healing, Comfort, Provision.

When you live hidden in the heart of God, He allows you to see people as Himself.  We have been playing with the orphans here at Caminul Felix and each time I play with one of them, God is teaching me more and more.  These kids will never know how much they have changed my life by watching their child like spirits.

“I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden, these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children”  -Matthew 11:25

As our hearts become PURE our Vision becomes clearer.

Maria, a friend that I made who is an orphan on earth but is a daughter of her Father in heaven, were on the swings the other day and she wanted to sit on my lap and swing, but not only did she want to sit in my lap, she wanted to sit facing me so she could look at me.  So we were swinging and singing a song to the Lord in English because that was one of the few things we both knew how to speak and understand, and as Monica was looking into my eyes singing to me “I got the JOY Joy JOY down in my heart…” and when I started really looking into her eyes, I saw Jesus looking back at me, He was smiling back to me in her eyes, and it was like He was whispering “Katherine, it is me here swinging with you, it is me, and I am all around you, when you are serving you are serving me, when you are loving you are loving me”.

God has brought me to a place where I am humbly able to accept that I know NOTHING of how to Love, that my love is covered with selfish motives and an impure heart, and I am begging God to show me how to Love like He has Loved me.

I need God to circumcise my heart so that I can know how to really LOVE, so I can LOVE with all of the heart that God has given me, without the hardness and the wounds that fake love has made it to be.  I want to get every infection, every addiction, and every bacterium out of my heart that is hidden away so that there is only the tenderness exposed.  I want my flesh to be so translucent that all people see when they look at me is LOVE, REAL LOVE, that I am shining so bright with REAL LOVE, I no longer want to block any of the radiance of REAL LOVE with the fake love that I have fell for in the past.  I want to spend so much time with REAL LOVE, so much time in His arms, so much time holding His hand, so much time in His presence that I begin to smell like LOVE, and when people are around me they get a taste of REAL LOVE, they get the FULL experience!  I want to resuscitate people back to LIFE with the REAL LOVE that I show them.  For this is the only debt that REAL LOVE has told me that I owe: “let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulFILLED the law”

  Please join me in prayer for the families and children involved in Caminul Felix, and the many lost orphans around the world that they will be welcomed and recognize the arms of Love beckoning them, and that God will show His church how to Love!!! Hope these pictures give you a better glimpse of what our ministry has looked like so far here in Romania.Sending blessings to all of you in the name of LOVE…