(from left to right: playing with the kids in the miracle grass at dobre mierka; team wonder at a kids camp in the unexpected, very cold mountains; getting some love from a joyful woman after a church service in a small village in the mountains (one of my favorite memories))
I am now in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, and my team and I are waiting to take what is about to be one of the longest trips by train of my life, two ten hour night trains to our new destination: The Felix Family Foundation in Romania.
Last night over dinner my team and I were talking about our favorite moments we have had over this past month and reminiscing over the great people we have met and opportunities God has given us. I have been pondering on my own what the Lord has been teaching me this past month.
I remembered in one of the mornings that my team was worshipping together I got a picture of myself dancing with Jesus. We were dancing to a song together, and it was just me and Him. At times He would whisper in my ear and correct my steps, but I was having so much fun and knew that He would lead me to the rhythm of the music in the best way, and that it was ok if I messed up or stepped on His toes at times.
Looking back a lot of my prayers for this month have been: Lord teach me… teach me…God teach me… That is just what my King has been doing this month. He has been teaching me a lot about myself, He is cutting me down so He can grow and leading me in a dance that I have not seen before, that I am not familiar with, and that I mess up a lot of the time. I know that my leader, my helper, is the one who made the hills and the valleys, and I will be like Jacob, and I will not let go until He blesses me, until He shows me more of Himself.
This verse in Romans has spoken to me and been a prayer for my team and God’s children:
“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” For everything that was written in the past was written to TEACH us, so that through ENDURANCE and the ENCOURAGEMENT of the scriptures we might have HOPE. May the God who gives ENDURANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you FOLLOW Christ Jesus, so that with ONCE heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of OUR Lord Jesus Christ.”
Thank you so much for your prayers and for being that voice of encouragement to follow the lead of my God, I could not do this without all of you. I will give you a more detailed update when we get to Romania and learn more about what we are doing there. Love you all:)