“Some of you who are standing here are going to see it happen, see the kingdom of God arrive in full force”
There are doors all over the place. Big doors, small doors, golden doors, red doors, sliding doors, fancy doors, vintage doors, painted doors, ramshackle doors, etc…
You guys know how I like definitions so here ya go…DOOR: usually a swinging or sliding entry in which an entry is closed and opened. A means of access or participation: an opportunity.
Jesus says, “I am the DOOR of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I AM THE DOOR. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.” -John 10: 7-10
I have been in Bucharest, Romania training with the whole X Squad of 45 racers. The last night we were together before we all separated to our different ministry sites we all laid hands and prayed over each team individually. It was powerful and God was moving in our midst while we spoke life into our brothers and sisters and what they were about to encounter! For our team, Team Wonder, our squad leaders both felt that the Lord was leading them to the word: UNLOCK. They prayed that God would unlock the kingdom, unlock chains, unlock the doors to freedom, life, healing, and hope through us to the nations in these next couple of months, and that His Spirit would flood through the doors, that we would keep knocking and the door would continue to be opened and that God out of His mercy would not only flood through the doors of peoples hearts but overflow through the windows…there was POWER spread in the lobby of our hostel that night thanks to the pure Grace of God!
Bringing this back to the random door outburst at the beginning of this blog: people have put doors up of all kinds, but as children of God we have the key to unlock those doors. We are the sheep and we listen to the voice of the Shepherd, we choose to tune into His station, and so we are going to jiggle this key around in the locks of the people of Bulgaria and in each other, knowing that sin is crouching at the door, and that we are going out as sheep among wolves. Pray that we will be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves, and that we will choose to say YES to God every morning when we wake up!
My team has said our goodbyes to the group, the training time has been enriching, but we are ready to get setup and settle at our ministry site for the next month. We are taking a train tonight to Bulgaria and will be there by tomorrow!! I will post pictures and explain more once we get there. LOVE you all so much, keep the prayers coming:)