17 Days until I leave for training camp…

59 Days until I leave the country for 11 months…

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy as I was asking God to prepare my heart and mind for this trip.  As I was asking Him, I knew that He would answer.  Sometimes that is the scariest part…

John Piper always says, that God is most glorified through us when we are most satisfied in Him.  Lately I have been praying a very scary prayer.  “Lord show me the things I am running to, to find joy, that are not of you, give me what I need, and not what I want, change my desires, and make them for you.”

I know that this prayer will lead me to be most satisfied in My God, but it will also take away things that I have fooled myself into thinking that I NEED.  These things that I think that I NEED are just keeping me in chains from experiencing more of the abundant life that Christ gives without measure.  “He has come to give us life to the FULL!”

Will I consider all things rubbish in comparison with the surpassing greatness of knowing My Creator??  Will I press on to the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward? Will I remember that my citizenship is in heaven, and cry tears for those who live as enemies of the cross of Christ??

YES, Praise God for He is refining me, setting me apart, to do His will.  I have found that my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need, even though it sometimes is being lonely or misunderstood so that I can find my comfort in Him and TRUST Him even when I don’t FEEL His presence around me, HE KNOWS, and I will cling tightly to His promises: “Katherine, peace my child, do not be afraid I am with you, I have called you by name, in the shadows of the night I will be your light, I love you, and you are MINE”

As I prepare to carry God’s name across the world, please pray for me, and pray for the countries that I will be headed to.  First stop is: ROMANIA


The northern regions of Romania are home to the gypsy community. Though strangers in their homeland and forgotten by society, the gypsies are a strong and vibrant people who embrace the light of Christ in aninspirational way. Here, you will teach English, lead sports camps, live life with the gypsies, and more. It will be an exciting time of learning about a people group you may not have known even existed.

Facts about Romania: Population: 21,190,154. 21% of the people are unreached. Official language: Romanian. Total languages: 23. Largest religion: Christian

Praise the Lord for:
-Romania has a large and growing evangelical population, Europe’s fourth largest. Evangelicals are the only growing major religious group.
-Romania is considered one of the most spiritually receptive European countries.

Prayer needs:
-The numerous social evils that are widespread across Romania such as prostitution, pornography, human trafficking, and substance abuse.
-The abortions that are rampant in the country. Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, with 3 or more abortions for every baby born. Pray that people will realize the truth about what they are really doing and will be able to see other options.
-Poverty is common, causing high unemployment and corruption that is penetrating the entire country.
-The government has divisions that cause the leadership not to be effective in making decisions. Pray that the leadership will be able to make the right decisions for the country.

What we might be doing:
Teaching English, Leading sports camps, Ministering to the gypsy community who are normally rejected by society. This will be a time for us to learn about a people group we may not be familiar with: the gypsies. We will be able to ministerto them and share Christ’s love with them as well as the other people of Romania.


Also subscribe to my blog so you can get updates when I post new entries (you can subscribe on the left side of the screen)!  Thank you to ALL who have so graciously supported me through prayer and donations.  God continues to amaze me with the way that He provides!  I am still raising money so if your heart is sparked to give, please click on the ‘Support Me’ link on the left side of this page or you can send a check made out to Adventures in Missions to: 912 Laurens Way, Brentwood, TN 37027. Thank you all again for everything:)

“Come out from where you are, and come INTO what God has for you"