So, it goes without saying that I am so excited about this trip next year. I think we are all there. My family and friends think I’m completely nuts to be going on this trip without knowing a single person. But that’s me. So I was really happy when this blog site was posted so we could all start getting to know each other a little better. Imagine my surprise when I found out there was another Joy going! Of course I knew she had to be awesome, because, well her name is Joy. It goes with the name! So we started emailing and found out we live the same small corner of the world in Tampa, FL and were able to meet up this past weekend for lunch. YAY GOD!!! She’s great and I can’t wait to get to know her better and am THRILLED to have someone nearby preparing for the same trip. Pretty much, that’s it, I was excited and wanted to share with everyone how God has already gone ahead and prepared this trip for us and AMAZING things are in store for 2007. Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!