Hello all,

I just wanted to let you guys know I am still alive and kicking.  I feel like I have been totally out of the loop the last couple of months, and for that, I apologize.  I find myself busy with working fulltime during the day for a wonderful family here in Great Falls,  then working part time at night for Barnes & Noble.  I have found a worship service that I look forward to attending each week and the family is strong on the home front. 

Speaking of family, my sister had her third little girl on March 7th.  We were all very excited to bring her home and Raegan and Reece just cannot get enough of her.  It is such a blessing to get to see their love for one another on a daily basis.  For those of you who don’t know my sister’s family, myself, and a friend of ours from Cincinnati rent a house together here in Great Falls.  We have seen over the past months of being together how God has strengthened our bonds as a family and our bonds with Him and His church.  God is good and He richly blesses His people!

Support is on the right track, but there is still more to raise.  As of now, I have a little over 2,000 raised or promised.  As most of you know I need at least 13,000 to go on the trip.  The majority of my team is in GA this week beginning training.  I went in Sept. but was not able to get off to attend this time.  I am disappointed that I cannot have this time with my fellow team members but I am sure there will be other opportunities with them. 

We are celebrating Passover this Friday.  We are technically a week late for the Jewish seder but we decided to put it on our family calendar when “our” lamb was slain which is marked by the Good Friday holiday.  My mom is getting to come up for a visit on her spring break so we are all a buzz with preparation for her coming and she will be able to celebrate Seder and Easter with us.  She is such a blessing.  For both my sister and me she is a cool drink on a hot day.  We so look forward to her visits because she brings home with her every time.  She is rest foor our souls, a soft place to land, and she is our help when life becomes overwhelming.  We are rich in the blessing of our mother.

Thanks for your support and I look forward to ministering with you this coming year.