I have come to understand the importance of choices made in life.  I know now that the decisions I make; how I determine to handle a situation, affects not only myself but it also affects my contemporaries and the generations that will follow me.  I have the possibility for a worldwide reach but I cannot forget the reach in my own home.  From my parents, grandparents, and siblings to my neices, nephews and maybe one day my own children. 

I have experienced in my own life the struggles that come with generational curses.  I have also partaken in the euphoria that is generational blessing.  Praise God, there are curses that have been broken over my family in my lifetime.  My generation has battled the spirits of abuse, depression, chemical dependency, weak men, enabling women, and so many other places of bondage.  There has been deliverance and freedom offered to my family, but only because of choices made to break those chains!

The blessings have increased as well, and I pray they continue to grow.  In the blessing department I must honor the generations of women who came before me.  Pearl Waters, my 95 year old great – grandmother began it all when she chose to pursue a relationship with the Lord, to follow His edict for her life.  In turn, she taught her children to fear the Lord and to honor Him with their lives.  We were recently given the opportunity to honor her, in life, on her birthday.  That day was a very special day for all of us.  We were able to truly “rise and call her blessed!”  The next in line is my grandmother, Jeanette Stalvey.  A woman of resilience and strength, she stands like a palm tree in the midst of a storm…she may bend but she will not break!  And she takes every opportunity to wave her palms before the Lord in His honor.  My mother is another extraordinary woman of God.  She has dealt with loss, betrayal, joy, and excitement all in stride.  She displays a beauty and grace under attack that is 100% God given.  These women have all prayed for me through countless nights, they have supported every wacky idea I have ever presented.  They have found the best in me and encouraged me to pursue and grow those talents. 

When I leave on June 15th, it will be harder than I can imagine to leave these people and countless others behind but I know I will take them with me.  Because I am a result of the Lord’s generational blessing on these women.  I am able to experience something they have dreamt of.  I have a missionaries heart because I have their heart.  I have an adventurers spirit because I have their spirit, and I have confidence in my God because I serve the same God who has led them through so many dark nights and through just as many beautiful summer days.  So lead on Lord; I’m not going alone.  I have dedicated women of faith and strength standing watch!

God bless you, my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.  May the Lord continue to use you in His design.  You have added beauty with every action on His behalf.  May you be honored and praised among women!  I love you all more than you know.