This is a hasty quick recap of what´s been going on for the past two weeks.   

We ended our time in  Guatemala and had a factastic debrief in Nicaragua. A very special thanks to all my friends from Celebration Station for sending me all of those wonderful cards. It made my week.

We are now in Lima Peru, working with  a local church to plant a church in an area called Lomo de Corvina (spèll check) . This community is based on the side of a ridge overlooking the pacific ocean. We  are  busy developing relationships, playing with kids, and  getting the church started. Not only are we planting the church, we are actually building it from the ground (sand) up.   Please  pray for us as we minister to theses people and share the love of Jesus with them.

  Being here has also reminded me of my good friend Bryan Williams who was adopted from Peru. One of our translators resembles him and  it special to me to think I am helping my friends native people.  Lots more to come,    but this is it for now. Just a couple more pics from street ministry and a  really cute kid. Peace.