I know this is what you’ve been waiting for. I’ve kind of covered this topic from the musicians standpoint talking about stewardship of your gifts. But this is directed to those of you appreciators of music.

Give us a break. As much as we musicians love music, and love to play for people, somtimes we need a break. This relates to what I was talking about with burnout. I am not trying to be mean when I say this, but we are not at the beckon call of those who want to listen to us sing/play. Don’t make us feel guilty when we say no. Musicians, don’t feel guilty saying no. There may be times when you need to lead worship when you don’t want to. I’m not talking about those times. I’m mostly talking about on the spot summonings of song in front of audiences that make you feel awkard saying no. We are not court musicians. If you want to ask us to play for the group (as I said, I’m mostly talking about a recreational setting) ask us in private, not in front of the entire group. I am much more likely to play for people if they ask than if they command it. Maybe that’s a pride issue with me.

I’m not saying that you should never ask us to play. You should ask, because some of us (me) will rarely volunteer. I’m saying be sensitive to how and when you ask, and be sensitive to the decision of the musician.

I think this goes beyond music as well. We can take for granted and abuse the gifts that others have. Let’s try to take those things into consideration. Peace.