That’s what leading worship can feel like sometimes. Here’s some more things to pay attention to when you are leading.

See if people are paying attention. This counts for you too. Many time people in a worship setting just zone out during worship time. What can you do about it? How much can you effect people’s paying attention while you are in the middle of worship? Alot actually. Let me first tell you what I don’t reccommend. I do not think that stopping mid song and chewing out the group for not paying attention, or for not being in a spirit of worship is always the best decision.
   You can do a tremendous amount with simple eye contact. If there are people talking with each other or causing some other kind of disturbance, just look over to where they are and when they see you are watching them they stop pretty quick. Those of you in the youth group I lead who act up know what I’m talking about:) Careful with eye contact though. If you’re not careful you’ll catch yourself staring someone down without realizing it, and that’s just weird for everyone.

Also pay attention to time sensitivity. This is going to depend on the setting and/or culture you’re in. Generally in a church setting you will have a specific amount of time or songs that you are allowed. Other places will give you the discretion to sing as long as you want. In situations with no time limit, you need to pay attention to the group to give you an idea of when you need to finish up or keep going. This takes practice.

Two more topics, maybe, THEN we will get to musical concepts and ideas. how to develop yourself as a musician, and various other fun things. Peace.