That’s not exactly the environmental awareness I was talking about, though it’s still important. I’m talking about the worship environment you are in. This can mean several things. it can be talking about being outside or inside, what country you’re in, what age group you’re singing with, what mood or spirit the group is in, or a combination of these things. As a worhsip leader, it is your responsibility to pay attention to these things and decide how best to use your gifts for that group. Maybe an example will help. I lead worship for the childrens ministry at my church on Sunday mornings. When I pick out songs for them, I’m going to pick out songs with words they will understand, and ideas they understand. I’m not going to use songs with words like splendor, habitation, escatological (okay, so that’s not in any of the worship song I know, but you get it). So song selection is one thing, We have a time at our church called camp meeting month. This is when we all dress casually and sing songs in the old camp meeting style. So when I was asked to sing during that month, I sang Will the Circle be Unbroken. Whearas something like Jesus is the Rock and He rolls my blues away would not have fit so well.

We’ll talk some more about paying attention to your surroundings in the next blog. Peace.