It’s me again!!  Hello from SWAZILAND to all my dear readers.  It has been a while.  Know that I miss you all.  And, by the way, thank you all for your ‘Sweet Things’ you left on my last blog from Mozambique: )  We were truly out in the villages with very very scarce internet access for the month of May, and it was unbelievably encouraging to be recieved back into BLOG-land with all those lovely words from all of you!!  Some of you were first-time-commenters (sp?).  Yay.  WooHoo.  Especially thanks to my ‘long lost’ ACU friends and roomates (Kirk and Susan : ) some friends from past employment (Marilyn and the Monbergs… say a warm hello from Hannah to the others) and an old shopping acquaintance (Peggy… I have thought of you, my dear Marshall’s friend!! You’ll be seeing me nearly as soon as I arrive back in the Springs, no boubt.  Winks).  Anyway, that was very heart-warming.  Big Thanks to you all.

I want to write a minute on Mozambique.  Later Swaziland, because I am so far behind!! 

Mozambique was really TRIBE 61’s (my team) first experience with orphans!!  And that was the most difficult place to say goodbye to because of it.  Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, South Africa…. I honestly left those places without any real challenge at all.  Call me heartless, but I dont think my heart has sunk once from leaving a community… not the way it did when we left this one village in Mozambique.  AHHHHH…. i can still feel that ache.  Sniff. Sniff.  It is a good ache though.  Its the kind of ache that lets you know you have a heart.  Smiles.

Imagine this.  All 25 of the Team A Racers arriving in into Vilanculous, Mozambique after a heinous 26 hour travelling nightmare (even on Dramamine ; ).  Our jam-packed pickup pulls into out first host Village and we are greeted by about 20 orphans singing these lyrics (sound it out):    ‘ We ahh heppy to be to-ge-duh… we ahh heppy to be to-ge-duh.  OOHHH!! We ahh heppy, heppy… We ahh heppy, heppy… We ahh heppy to be to-ge-duh.”  It was priceless.  I love working with orphans….AND MY RIDE IS LEAVING… so I will have to leave you with that!!

I love you all.  Amen.

Winks. And Smiles with JOY!!  Hannah