Today my next group comes in for Mexico Missions.  They’re a group of junior highers so it should be interesting!  I’m going to help lead them through some ropes courses, and then across the border into Mexico in a big  yellow ghetto bus to build homes.  I’m really looking forward to getting to work with them in Mexico for the glory of Christ. 

When I first learned that God was leading me to do Mexico Missions this summer, I thought that it was going to be cake driving a bus, leading teenagers, and building homes because of all my previous mission and leading experience.  I also thought that I was going to get lots of opportunities to witness to the Mexicans and to develop deep relationships with my campers.   Well during my first week of training, God basically came in and crumbled all my expectations and my pride that I had been building up in myself.  

First of all… it’s not cake and secondly, I’m not the one that’s being this great witness and having deep relationships with my campers. My ministry this summer is to be the leader and guide for my groups and to help provide opportunities for THEM to be great witnesses to the Mexicans and to help THEM build deep relationships with with each other. This is definitely a different role for me, but a role I’ve desperately been needing to take for God to teach me about servanthood and about how to lay aside what I want vs. what He wants.