Remember my post of the Tentative Itinerary?  Well, yes, the first of many changes has occurred.  Now our timetable is as follows: 
June 5 — fly into Atlanta (from TN for me) to meet up with the team and fly out that evening to South Africa.  Once we arrive in S.A., we will head over to Swaziland (I hear it’s approx 5 hour journey); as I understand it, we will have a couple weeks of training before beginning our ministry there in Swaziland. 

The rest of the schedule has not been fully announced, at least as far as I know.  But I hear that you can ignore the parts of the itinerary about Russia and eastern Europe, as this most likely has/will change.  Many of you have been asking me about the schedule so I wanted you to have the latest info.  Also that way you can specifically pray for June 5 flights & travels.