To all my people, First I have to say sorry for my article isn”t yet linked ot this website.

I am learning about living each day. I am on a road of enjoying everything the Lord is providing. I am seeing God is a different way and experiencing Him in camping, raining wet, sleeping in Airport, driving trough night and in my fellowmates.

I am seeing forward to getting to Guatamala. Seeing how people is being changed trough your prayers and the work we will do. I still believe and experienced that God will do the Impossible if we are prepared to believe the incredible. Just experiencing Brazil and seeing people with different culture is so amazing, because we see that God is busy with ature than my own.
We are flying tonight to Houston, landing at 5:00, then driving to Mexico and jioning the Americans. I will tell you more as soon as it is possible.

Thank you for all YOURE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!