So it has been quite a while since I have written. Work has been horribly busy, and it still is, so I will keep this update short and sweet.

First, PRAISE GOD! He came through with an answer about the June World Race. It was a long and tedious road, but God is faithful, and He always answers those who call on Him. I had been praying for weeks, and finally one Saturday morning a month ago, I just felt a peace, like I had my answer. I heard God say STAY. Me being the skeptic that I am though, I asked Him to confirm His answer throughout the day. He did just that. I will go into more details in another post, but all I can say is GOD ROCKS!

Second, I have some majorly big news to share: I’M ENGAGED! Woohoo!

This is me and my Finace, Shannon (agggh I have a Finace!!!!). He is amazing and totally a gift from God. When I met him in November I had no idea that we would end up here. In fact, if you had tried to tell me I was going to marry him, I would have told you you were insane. Boy, it is a good thing God has His own plans! I love this verse:

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9

In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined a man like Shannon even existed, and the fact that he loves me too, AMAZING! Shannon has pushed me to surrender all to the Lord, and he has helped me to grow in my relationship with God. I am going to write another blog later all about what God has been doing in our relationship and the big plans He has for us.

Third, I am still planning on going on the World Race; I am just not sure when. Shannon felt God calling him to apply as well (with no encouragement from me), so we are waiting to see if God has us going on this Race together. Right now, we are starting to plan the wedding, which we hope to have by November before my brother leaves on another tour of duty. We will see though…God has the timing all planned.

I will miss my original group now that they are heading out but I know God has a Liz-tailored adventure waiting just for me.

Thank you all to everyone who has been praying for me, especially with my decision about the Race. You are more valuable than you know. And keep those prayers coming…I will certainly need them as I discern where God is leading next.