Traveling intercontinental can be a long process and very draining. When I found out that our squad would be having a layover in Madrid I was SO excited. I spent two summers there and vacationed a third time in 2016. It felt like a second home, and I was so happy to share that with squad mates.


So what do you do when you have 24 hours in Madrid? Well, we arrived on Saturday around 1pm and headed to The Salvation Army. (More details in video below.) We arrived to lunch and timbrel practice. Majors Balmori and their congregation were so hospitable! Our squad is so grateful for their help! 



After settling in, my team and I got ready to go out with my Spanish mom Silvia and her daughter Marta. I had au paired in 2011 & 2012 and happy to visit with them. We toured the city and saw so many things!



Finally we crashed for the night. I was among some of the 57+ bags.


The next day we had breakfast, showers and church in English! Our squad sang and dance on stage to “Walk in the Lord”. The timbrel team also performed two routines! Before the sermon I spoke about our journey and about the World Race:


It was such a blessing to be able to meet Majors Balmori and their congregation. They were accommodating beyond expectation and their kindness will not be forgotten. Before leaving a church member from Africa prayed over us in French! It was so nice to see Silvia and Marta again as well.


Sometimes travel is long and difficult but sometimes you have moments of joy and refreshing in the midst of it all. Like I said in the video, listen to the Lord. You never know what adventure awaits!