Revival!  If I had to sum up the past ten days with one word,  this is the one I would choose.  The World Racers for June and September met in Gainesville, GA at AIM’s headquarters to do training.  We experienced revival in the truest sense of the word.  I don’t mean the one week meeting when some evangalist would come to speak at your church,  I’m talking about when a group of people get together and the Spirit of God comes on you to a point where there is the confession of sins, and people are drawn to the heart of God. 

Training camp was pretty intense.  It was non-stop training, team building, relationship forming, and spiritual breaking.  If would relate it to trying to get a sip of water from a fire hydrant.  There was so much information it’s probably going to take me another ten days just to process through everything that came at me.  Long story short, GOD MOVED!  We saw the power of God bring people together that have never met and draw them in as a family.  We saw God  calling people to him, to put what they want to do on hold for a year and follow after him. 

Then comes the trip home.  I left on Saturday evening to head to my parents,  I was looking forward to going to my home church and meeting with an accoutability group I was once a part of.  I have almost always struggled to have really well running vechicle’s, and my current truck is no exception.  On the 4 hour trip home to south Georgia my truck would not cooperate.   I began asking God, “Please let it just do what it is supposed to so I can get home, then it can break down.”  Sometimes God just doesn’t do what we think should happen.  Then I caught myself doubting God!  I knew that he could work things out and the truck would run flawlessly, if he wanted.  I begin wondering, “Why does life have to be so difficult sometimes?”  I even found myself questioning the very exsistance of God or if He did exist why does He not care.  I just saw him do some pretty miraculous things back at training camp and I’ve not even been gone for 3 hours and I’m having trouble even believing in his existance. 

 I couldn’t help but think about the Isrealites when God brought them out of Egypt.  Think of all the amazing things that they saw.  The plagues, the sea open up before them and then closing on the Pharoh’s army, they had been following a piller of smoke and of fire, water coming from a rock, and the list goes on.  Then Moses goes up onto the mountain for a few days and they make an idol and begin worshipping it.  They forgot just that quick!

How often do we forget about the amazing things that God does when other things don’t go our way?