Concrete is the team name we have selected. It all stemmed from a game we were playing in the Atlanta airport to pass the time. Lauren and Sarah were naming jelly beans based on taste and not their actual names. Sarah said “palm tree” and Casey heard “concrete.” He said that was a terrible name for a jelly bean. And so our team name was introduced. After some deliberation we decided it did make a good team name. Why you ask? Concrete is made from a variety of materials and undergoes a mixing process that involves some hardship to become rock solid. We are like that, in that we have a variety of backgrounds, personalities, and talents we bring to our team. Over this next year we will undergo many hardships that will only make us more solid as a team. We are rock solid for Jesus.


Our current ministry schedule looks something like:


1/2 week of aids ministry here in Swaziland

4 days of training in South Africa

3 weeks of summer camp in 3 different villages in South Africa

2 weeks of construction ministry in South Africa



Once I know more details I will post specific prayer requests.